Flaws in Namibia’s education system

Very often a Namibian child does not fully comprehend the education system of Namibia, they are just told to go to school because that is seen to guarantee them a comfortable life. It is such behaviours by our parents that has planted the idea in Namibian kids that school is about who can remember things the longest. This should not be the case, however this can be attributed to the education system in place.
The Namibian education system is not necessarily flawed, but the Namibian child are ought to understand fully what education entails and this should be the responsibility of the parents and all the stakeholders in the education system. At varsity level for example, a student can fail at least one module and be allowed to continue to the next level/year provided that the module failed is not a prerequisite to any following modules in the next level/year. This approach is not a bad idea at all but it needs to be regulated so that students do not find comfort in carrying any module to their following year.
At the University of Namibia, students are required to have Continuous Assessment Marks of 60 percent and above so that in their exams they only need to get 40 percent to pass, this system has planted laziness among students, because students now aim for 40 percent because their aim is to pass- not to pass well, but just to pass. One then asks themselves how is not passing 60 percent of the work you have been taught passed on as ok? It is such practices in the education system that has led to students to think that school is about who can remember things the longest, and you are smart because you are able to remember something  longer than someone else. That is basically what school is about to a lot of Namibian students. Memory. 
Parents also need to give their children the freedom to choose their career path, because we are not all cut out to be Doctors, Engineers or Chattered Accountants or whatever else society deems as a safer or acceptable career path. Students that are forced to do courses by their parents do not usually perform well, so parents should save themselves money and let their kids choose what they want to study.

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